John 3:16 Mission 2– Olioroma

John 3:16 Mission 2

John 3:16 Mission

John 3:16 Mission is a interdenominational Christian ministry that endeavors to be the "hands and feet of Christ" to the homeless, hungry, poor and at-risk of the Tulsa community..

This means meeting their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.

About John 3:16 Mission

At any given moment, there are nearly 1,000 Tulsa residents living on the streets. Men. Women. Children. These people are residents of our city — members of our community — living without reliable access to shelter and meals. Regardless of the why, the reasons that put them there, it is clear that our brothers and sisters need our help.

With the help of the community, John 3:16 Mission extends helping hands to those in need. The heart of John 3:16 Mission is about showing Biblical hospitality, restorative care, generosity, and -- above all -- love to those whom Christ called “the least of these…my brothers and sisters” (Matthew 25:35). The mission is simple: help the homeless and at-risk reclaim their lives and restore hope in their hearts.

History of John 3:16 Mission

Founded in 1952, John 3:16 Mission has served the homeless of the Tulsa community for nearly 70 years. The Mission has always been dedicated to the proposition that the homeless are entitled to compassionate, dignified care and no one in need is turned away, whatever their background. Since its founding, John 3:16 Mission has served millions of meals and provided millions of nights of lodging to our community's most vulnerable and troubled people. Beyond providing meals and safe shelter, the Mission endeavors to lead the hurting and the lost into a life transforming relationship with Christ. The Mission adheres to the highest standards of quality of care, treating each person or client, regardless of race, gender, creed or faith background, with dignity and respect. John 3:16 Mission also is a member of the CityGate Network which includes a large group of other North American missions that share similar aims and objectives. John 3:16 Mission is not affiliated with any church or denomination. As a nonprofit, 501 (c) (3), the Mission is funded solely by donations from supporters (individuals, companies, foundations, churches, etc.) throughout the Tulsa community and beyond who desire to make relief and recovery programs available.


 Ministry Statement

In the name and through the loving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, John 3:16 Mission reclaims lives and restores hope to homeless and at-risk men, women and children as it ministers to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.


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